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Lucky Number Calculator

Enter your name, date of birth, and time of birth:

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The Lucky Number Calculator based on Haroofe Abjad is an ancient numerology tool designed to calculate a person's lucky number using their name, date of birth, and time of birth. This calculator uses the traditional Haroofe Abjad method, where each Arabic letter is assigned a specific numeric value. By summing these values, along with the digits of one's birth details, the calculator derives a single-digit lucky number that holds significance in various aspects of life.

This calculator takes into account your name, date of birth, and time of birth to generate a unique lucky number. The Haroofe Abjad system assigns numeric values to the letters in your name, reflecting the mystical significance of each letter. Additionally, the digits from your birth details are incorporated into the calculation to provide a comprehensive numerological analysis. The result is a single-digit number that represents your personal energy and potential, according to the principles of numerology.

How This Lucky Number Calculator Works

Name Input: Enter your name in the designated field. The calculator identifies the Arabic or Persian script in your name and converts each letter into its corresponding numeric value based on the Haroofe Abjad system.

Date of Birth: Enter your date of birth in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The digits of your date of birth are then summed together to contribute to the final calculation.

Time of Birth: Enter your time of birth in the format HH:MM. The digits from this time are also added to the overall sum.

Calculation: The numeric values derived from your name, date of birth, and time of birth are summed together. This sum is then reduced to a single-digit number, which is your lucky number.

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Best Uses and Benefits of This Calculator


Personal Guidance: The lucky number can serve as a guide for making decisions, aligning your actions with the positive energies associated with your number.

Astrology and Numerology: Those interested in astrology and numerology can use the lucky number to explore deeper aspects of their personality and life path.

Daily Insights: The lucky number can be used to gain daily insights, helping you to focus on areas of life where your number holds influence.

Compatibility Check: This number can also be used to check compatibility with others, particularly in personal and professional relationships.


Self-Understanding: Discover your inherent strengths and potential through the personalized lucky number.

Empowerment: Use your lucky number to make informed decisions that align with your life’s natural rhythm.

Cultural Connection: Connect with the rich traditions of numerology, especially those rooted in Arabic and Persian cultures.

Holistic Insight: Gain a holistic understanding of your life by integrating your name, birth date, and birth time into a single meaningful number.